Saturday, November 12, 2011

Blaze Trust

- Another milestone in our journey -

I am immensely happy to announce to all the volunteers, animators, students, who immersed themselves in the projects, which we are executing in Southern Tamil Nadu, particularly for the partakers of the one that we are doing from the year 2005 for palmyrah toddy tapping community, the formation of our Trust - ‘Blaze.’

Your are playing a very vital role in the field works, workshops, awareness programs on palmyrah tree and its embodiment with the environment.  The recent update from palmyrah toddy tappers community from Chettivilai locality stands a witness to successful implementation.  The palmyrah season just got over, which started in the early March.  Our community are able to store their produce by following the traditional technique of storage revived and taught by us.  Hence, they are happy that they can get fair prices for their produce during the off-season.  You all will be happy to know that they came out of the clutches of the moneylenders and they all have bank savings now.

Palmyrah tappers in Karupur

Hope you all remember that this is the community which questioned us when we insisted on savings during our financial literacy programs, “We are struggling for one meal a day and you are talking about saving money in the bank.  That too, we live in a remote village where there is no bank at all.”  This magical change is done by all our systematized, and well organized implementation of the project.

Happy Women from palmyrah community in an eco-friendly store room

We all felt that we can form an organization to carry out our project in a more effective and efficient manner.  After repeated discussions with all animators, volunteers, and the community leaders, palmyrah federations (that we formed), it is decided to go for a registered foundation.  Yes, due to our continuous effort, our Trust ‘Blaze’ is formed.  Hence, now we can go ahead with more enthusiasm.

While thanking all the active participants of this project, I earnestly request everyone to be with us and bestow your innovative ideas.


  1. hai madem,

    happy to see ur blog that tells something about the palmyra tappers. happy to see that but the photo are from the people of karupur not from singamparai. thanks for bringing our people to net though it is on other name. thank u

  2. hi shanthi

    nice to see ur blog.
    u r always charming with ur talents.

    mama ambu

  3. குப்பைத் தொட்டி, Thank you very much for your feedback. One photo is from Karupur and the palmyrah toddy tapping community women are from Chettivilai, from our project area. I would be grateful to you if you could give constructive ideas in our mission of saving palmyrah trees.
