Irudayadawson Josephine Jeyashanthi is working as professor in Loyola College, Chennai, India. She has 12 years of teaching experience from 1996 till date in different colleges specializing in Tamil Literature and Media studies. She has work experience in media for 6 Years as editorial staff in ‘Arumbu,’ a monthly magazine for youth. She worked as Program Executive for Radio Veritas in Santhome Communication Centre, Chennai, and conducted programs for youth and women.
Prof. Jeyashanthi has proved herself in creative writing as a novelist and short story writer. Her novel, ‘Barani,’ is a post modern literature with a feminist social commitment. It is popular in the literary as well as academic circle, and research papers, M.Phil. & Ph.D. thesis have been submitted on this novel. Her novel ‘Kiliamma Endra Kumanaa’ focuses on the struggles of rural women. Articles in appreciation of these novels have been written by critics in leading magazines like ‘India Today.’
‘Kadavulin Kaadhal Kadidhangal’ is a short story collection written by her which explores the psychological world of children. Few stories from this collection were made as short film. She has written a series of 10 articles meant for higher secondary and college students on the systematic art of studying and now it is published as a book.
‘Kadavulin Kaadhal Kadidhangal’ is a short story collection written by her which explores the psychological world of children. Few stories from this collection were made as short film. She has written a series of 10 articles meant for higher secondary and college students on the systematic art of studying and now it is published as a book.
Prof. Jeyashanthi as a translator for National Book Trust of India, a central government organization translated an Orriyan novel ‘Reminiscence of a Hunter’ from English to Tamil.
Research Work:
Prof. Jeyashanthi had done her research for M.Phil. degree on the ‘Life and Culture of Scavengers,’ which explored the cultural transformation of ‘Arunthathiyar community,’ the under privileged mass in Indian society. She has presented papers on ‘Recent post modern writings and role of women in science and technology’ during International Conference conducted by Loyola College and Anna University.
Community Outreach Programs:
Prof. Jeyashanthi, Faculty Advisor (2004-2010) of Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE), an international college unit, organized field-exposure trips for SIFE, motivated the students to use their academic knowledge to transform the vulnerable communities into successful entrepreneurs. Her team was selected thrice to represent India in SIFE World Cup, an international event, to present the best practices adopted by them. She along with her team represented SIFE India in SIFE World Cup events held in Paris in the year 2006, New York City in the year 2007, and Los Angeles in the year 2010.
With the help of SIFE students, she trained the farmers in organic farming techniques, introduced a botanical biopesticide to them and trained them to prepare it on their own, which enabled the small farmers to access their lands and become financially independent.
She has also introduced the eco-friendly Japanese method of sericulture to the farmers in Tirunelveli District which enabled them to earn more income.
She is keen on environmental protection, which is the drive for all her projects. Particularly, the project she is involved from the year 2005, to preserve the ecological balance of mother earth by saving the existing palmyra trees and planting more through the empowerment of palmyra toddy tappers, is her dream project. Started in the villages of Tirunelveli, she has expanded to Tuticorin District and has plans to implement in other districts as she is receiving invitation from those localities. Her utopia is a better world with trees, rivers, ponds, birds, and people living in harmony with nature.